Leeds Rhinos Foundation, St George’s Crypt and St Gemma’s Hospice are delighted to announce that they will be teaming up again to raise funds for some of the city’s most vulnerable people at the 2022 Leeds Big Sleep on Thursday 24th November.
Staff from all three Leeds charities will join key personnel from the city and volunteers in leaving their warm beds behind for a night and sleeping out on the terraces at Headingley Stadium.
The first sleepout was held at the stadium in 2017, and over the course of the last five years has helped to raise over £200,000 towards the work of the three charities, as well as increased awareness of the plight faced by homeless and vulnerable people in the city.
Historically the Leeds Big Sleep has attracted a wide range of participants- ranging from local business leaders and councillors to famous faces such as Leeds Rhinos legends Kevin Sinfield and Jamie Jones-Buchanan- and hundreds of people are once again expected to give up the comfort of their own beds to spend a night under the stars in their sleeping bags this year.
There will be a whole host of entertainment and activities taking place throughout the evening, whilst participants will also receive a hot drink before bedding down at the home of the Rhinos.
St George’s Crypt has been around since 1930 working with homeless and vulnerable adults, and people in addiction. They provide emergency accommodation, residential projects and most recently opened Don Robins House a brand new building to accommodate people, including families struggling to maintain a tenancy.
Head of Fundraising, Cheryl Harrington said: “This will be our sixth year staging the Leeds Big Sleep and the difference it makes to our charity, as well as our two partners, is absolutely huge in helping us to support some of the city’s most vulnerable people.
“The camaraderie that we see amongst those taking part is what makes this event so special and it’s a really worthwhile experience which- by giving up just one of comfort- opens your eyes to the struggles faced daily by those who are less fortunate.
“It’s always a night to remember, but knowing you are going home to your bed the next day whilst those who you are raising money for don’t have this luxury makes it a humbling experience for those involved.”
Leeds Rhinos Foundation was formed in 2005 to work with some of the city’s most disadvantaged people by using the power of sport to inspire positive changes in their lives.
Gareth Cook, Head of Community and Engagement, said: “The Leeds Big Sleep has become such an important event over the last couple of years, both with raising funds and also awareness of supporting the homeless and vulnerable in our local community.
“We are delighted to be hosting this fantastic fundraising event at Headingley Stadium again in 2022 where we can all come together after the struggles of the pandemic to support three very worthy local causes and make a significant difference to the lives of people in our city.”
“We are honoured to be working alongside two fantastic Leeds charities on this event. Each charity does valuable work to support vulnerable people in the city and this fundraising event will help us continue that work.”
St Gemma’s Hospice is a Leeds-based charity providing expert care and support for local people with life-limiting illnesses. It is the largest hospice in Yorkshire and one of the largest in the UK and provides free-of-charge care and is open to patients of all beliefs, religions and cultures.
Corporate Partnership Manager, Georgia Glasswell commented: “St Gemma’s is delighted to be joining forces with Leeds Rhinos Foundation and St George’s Crypt again for the 2022 Big Sleep Out.
“I will be at Headingley Stadium taking on the challenge of sleeping out on the terraces for the night and raising vital funds for all three organisations so that we can each continue to provide much needed support and services to vulnerable people in Leeds.”
Registration for the 2022 Leeds Big Sleep is now open with a minimum fundraising target set at £100 per person, although participants should aim to raise as much as they can! This is also a fantastic teambuilding opportunity for any local businesses who wish to take part.
All money raised will be split equally between Leeds Rhinos Foundation, St George’s Crypt and St Gemma’s Hospice, all local charities working to support local people.
To sign up for the 2022 Leeds Big Sleep, please register at https://bit.ly/2022LeedsBigSleep.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where does the event take place?
The event will take place at the home of the Leeds Rhinos.
Headingley Stadium, St Michaels Lane, Leeds, LS6 3BR,
Event Date: Thursday 24 November 2022 arrive at 7:30pm
Event Finish: Friday 25 November 2022 leave by 8am
What to expect:
Thursday 7.30pm -8pm
- Registration at the welcome desk in the Café Bar.
- Bring your kit inside, you’ll be guided where to store it until we go outside.
- Free hot drinks available
- Short presentation from the charities followed by a fun Quiz and music games.
- You’ll be guided out to the terraces to ‘bed down for the night’ at Headingley Stadium
Friday 6am-7am
- Breakfast and hot drinks provided in the café