Stop smoking this October with support from One You Leeds

Leeds Rhinos Foundation is supporting One You Leeds’ campaign to encourage smokers to make an attempt to quit smoking in October.

Stoptober is a mass participation event and the campaign is based on research showing that if you can stop smoking for 28 days, you are five times as likely to stay smokefree for good. Stoptober encourages smokers to access a range of support to help make their quit successful, including free on demand tools like the Smokefree app, Facebook messenger and email – and the One You Leeds quit team. The 2018 campaign is based in the following key insights:
? Smokers are making unassisted quit attempts (going ‘cold turkey’), but are more likely to succeed with support
? Smokers are confused about the quit aids available and how they can be used
? Smokers aren’t confident that they will be able to quit
Smokers who decide to take part in Stoptober with One You Leeds’ support will receive a Stoptober Wall Chart, Quitter Badge and Welcome Guide. They will be booked into six free 20-30 minute sessions, with classes available across Leeds.
A quit date will be set and participants will have the opportunity to work one-to-one or part of a group with a Health Adviser to stop smoking. A combination of behavioural change support and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), or prescription only medication where required, will be provided.
Stoptober will offer a free Personal Quit Plan to help people get the right stop smoking support for them – with options including face-to- face support, nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) like patches, gum or inhalers, and e-cigarettes. Smokers are more likely to quit successfully with the right support; using willpower is important, but to increase their chances of success, smokers will be recommended to use a combination of stop smoking support when they use the Personal Quit Plan.
Stoptober sign-ups can be made at to access our free one-to-one support.
There will be ongoing support for smokers through the 28 days of Stoptober via the One You Leeds communications channels.
To commit to completing Stoptober this year use One You Leeds’ free support to help you succeed. Visit to get started.