One You Leeds campaign highlighting tips for maintaining a healthy weight

Leeds Rhinos Foundation is supporting One You Leeds’ new weight management campaign which is encouraging people to share their top tips for managing your weight.

One You Leeds is a free local healthy living service that aims to help the residents of Leeds make positive changes to their lifestyle and behaviour to improve their health.
Around two-thirds of adults in Leeds are either overweight or obese and One You Leeds are leading the campaign to raise awareness of simple ways that people can achieve a healthier weight.
Paying more attention to food labels, preparing packed lunches and understanding how cravings work are just some of the ways four One You Leeds participants have learnt to maintain a healthier weight.
Lucy says: “Working with One You Leeds hasn’t been a diet for me. It has been a mentality change towards food and eating habits.
“Regaining control and learning that what I think is the "easy option" isn't. For instance taking that five minutes each morning to make a packed lunch is actually cheaper, healthier and quicker than queuing in the shop.”
Emma has addressed her snacking habits.
“I knew I needed to change but had no idea where to start,” says Emma. “I found that after my first week with One You Leeds it started becoming easier to swap that chocolate bar for an apple and that walking a little bit more each day improved my overall health.”
Emma has lost in incredible 3 stone since starting the One You Leeds weight management course. “Don’t get me wrong – it was most certainly a challenge, but the things I have learnt have completely changed my life and the way I’m living it!”
Donna started working with the One You Leeds team to lose a bit of weight ahead of surgery to treat the osteoarthritis in her knees. She has found a useful way to identify the difference between cravings and genuine hunger.
She says: “I wanted to lose weight for myself, but also so that it would be easier when I have surgery.”
“My favourite thing on the course was learning about food cravings and understanding that I might be thirsty, rather than hungry. I now know that if I can distract myself for 20 minutes then the craving will go away. Or, if I was actually hungry, my tummy would start to rumble.”

“Since I’ve started I’ve lost 7kg and achieved my target of 5% body weight loss. I can wear a skirt that felt tight before and now I can fit another person inside!”
Duane has also benefited from the course: “One You Leeds have given me focus to lose the weight. I'm feeling fitter and definitely walking more and breathing much better. I can walk a fair distance now without stopping. I listen to the coaches and know about can recognise my behaviour and am more knowledgeable about nutrition. I'm having less sugar and looking at food labels. I'm really pleased with the results of working with One You Leeds. It spurs me on thinking that I'm coming every week!”
One You Leeds are keen to hear more about what people in the city are doing to manage their weight. We are collecting suggestions at and will share the best in the coming weeks!
People with a BMI of 25 (or 23.5 for those from the BME community) are encouraged to attend a free 12-week weight management course with One You Leeds.
Designed by experts, it provides a safe and sustainable way to lose weight. Sessions last for an hour a week and are available across the city. Visit for more information.