Leeds Rugby Foundation working towards Investors in Diversity Kitemark

Leeds Rugby Foundation is currently working towards gaining the Investors in Diversity Kitemark.

The National Centre for Diversity’s mission is to work in partnership with organisations to bring fairness, equity and harmony to people across the UK.
The National Centre for Diversity approach has been transforming organisations since 2005. They have fresh, exciting and productive partnerships with hundreds of organisations from small voluntary groups to huge private multi-nationals.
Their underpinning belief is simple: Diverse means different. We are all different, therefore diversity includes us…
The National Centre for Diversity in partnership with the National College for Teaching and Leadership would like to invite Primary and Secondary School leaders and Academy heads to attend the launch of Investors in Diversity for Schools.
They are holding the event on:
Tuesday 21st October
Leeds Rhinos, Headingley Carnegie Stadium, Leeds, LS6 3BR
Please follow the link to register www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/launch-event-investors-in-diversity-for-schools-leeds-tickets-12616846327

The event will provide key insight into the ‘Investors in Diversity’ framework and the chance to hear from other schools who have achieved the award as well as the legal framework surrounding equality in education.
At the event you will learn about:

– Investors in Diversity’ for schools – a framework, quality standards and benchmarking which support schools drive improvements including: maximising performance at Ofsted Inspections in relation to EDI; operating effectively as a good employer; and ensuring compliance with the Equality Act 2010

– The latest legal framework around equality in education

– Good practice in other schools

Places will be limited and allocated on a first come, first served basis and places are limited to two places per school.

If you need any more information please do not hesitate to contact shital@iiduk.org or visit www.nationalcentrefordiversity.com