Foundation excited to welcome new trustees to board

Last September, the Foundation began the search for new trustees to help achieve our next set of ambitions.

We’re delighted to announce that four new trustees have joined our board, bringing a wealth of energy, enthusiasm, and expertise. Together, they will collaborate with existing trustees, our staff and partners to continue our mission of changing lives through the power of sport.

Their induction comes at a particularly exciting time for the Foundation as we approach our 20th anniversary. Throughout 2025, we’ll celebrate the remarkable progress we’ve made as a charity, recognising the dedication and hard work of everyone involved in this journey.

In recent years, we’ve updated our governance practices in line with the Charity Commission Code, emphasising a diverse board with the right mix of skills and experience to better reflect the communities we serve. With these new trustees, we’re in an even stronger position to build on our success and drive our mission forward.

Chair of Leeds Rhinos Foundation, Dr. Mariana Pexton, who is also Director of Strategy and Resources for Leeds City Council, spoke about these exciting appointments:

“We’ve seen exciting growth in both breadth and depth of what we do to change lives through the power of sport here at the Foundation, providing a wide range of activities for the very young to those much older. We take pride from being an inclusive organisation at the forefront of challenging boundaries.

“When appointing our new trustees, we were looking for those passionate and energetic about making a difference, whilst showing leadership experience and potential.

“Steph Taylor who is currently CEO of Leeds Community Foundation is a highly respected leader in our city. She has an incredible background working in the charity and third sector and is a huge advocate for effective work with young people. Steph brings a unique set of skills and experiences that will greatly assist our approach to income generation especially corporate and individual philanthropy.

“Lucie Lakin is Principal of Carr Manor Community School and Chairs the North East Area Inclusion Partnership. Very highly regarded amongst her peer education leaders she is a passionate believer in restorative practises and the important role that inclusive and collaborative leadership can play in enabling everyone to be the best they can be.

“Julian Pearce runs his own media and PR company in the heart of Leeds. Julian will bring a fresh perspective to how the Foundation can increase its profile and reach aiming to attract new partners and increased funding allowing even more delivery of our vital services. Julian is also a Trustee at the amazing charity BARCA here in Leeds.

“Siobhan Atkinson has worked within the Premier League, the RFL, the 2012 Olympics and ran the Huddersfield Town Foundation for five years. She is currently the Clerk to the Board of Northern school of Contemporary Dance and is a Trustee of West Riding FA. Her extensive Sport background will greatly assist in delivering our long-term ambition.

“I am confident that our new trustees will play a key role in helping us reach our next set of goals, each bringing their unique expertise and experiences to complement existing trustees, whilst crucially staying true to our core values: trust, enjoyment, progressive and inclusive.

“We are looking forward to delivering our ambitions in 2025 as we celebrate a significant and exciting milestone for everyone involved.”

Bob Bowman QPM, CEO of Leeds Rhinos Foundation commented:

“The number and quality of applications for our Trustee vacancies was outstanding and shortlisting was an extremely tough process. Everyone who was interviewed were people of exceptional quality and I am so proud that the organisation I lead attracted such wonderful people to apply.

“Steph, Lucy, Julian and Siobhan will be joining an already well established and highly effective Board of Trustees, they have already met with my extended leadership team and in that session the energy and enthusiasm was palpable with so many great ideas to take forward.

“I cannot think of a better way to start our twentieth-year celebrations than that of appointing four brilliant new trustees who will be instrumental in achieving our best foundation ambitions in the coming years!”