Rohan Smith to lead Excel Coach Development Programme

Leeds Rhinos Foundation is launching a new Excel Coach Development programme which will be led by Leeds Rhinos head coach Rohan Smith.

The programme includes bespoke mentoring and development for coaches who have aspirations to progress up the Rugby League coaching pathway.

  • Criteria for coaches considering applying:
  • Currently involved with RL coaching and / or a Rugby League playing background
  • Aspirations to progress up the Rugby League coaching pathway to a professional level
  • Currently hold Rugby League coaching qualifications or are prepared to undertake these, including UKCC Level 3
  • Committed to self development and open to new ideas, concepts and methodology outside your comfort zone.

For more information or to apply email

Application to include informal Rugby League related covering letter and CV, with details of your background, reasons for applying and future aspirations.

Deadline to apply 7pm on Tuesday 7th February.