Leeds Rhinos Foundation is seeking an additional trustee to help progress the organisation post-pandemic.
Leeds Rhinos Foundation, which has seen exceptional growth in its delivery and range over the last five years, has further ambitions to impact on the lives of more people, particularly across areas such as health and wellbeing and education and employment, not least in vulnerable and disadvantaged communities.
Leeds Rhinos Foundation is also striving for excellent governance – CLICK HERE to find out more about our vision statement and values together and to see the charity’s current trustees CLICK HERE.
Divergent thinking and experience are key, so applications would particularly welcome from those in minority groups or who consider they have unique skills to offer.
Applicants are asked to e-mail Phil Caplan, chair of Leeds Rhinos Foundation Board of Trustees in the first instance to set out why they are interested in being a trustee and what they have to offer at info@leedsrhinosfoundation.org
Please submit by 15 September 2021. For an informal chat or for further details, please call Phil Caplan on 07850 719412.